Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hello All,

This is a final note to thank all of you one last time for all of the support you have given the Stamptini Girls. When we launched this last Aug/Sept we had so many hopes & dreams, many of which all of you helped make come true for us.

But life happens so for those of you who don't already know the The Stamptini Girls - Dunree, Jenny & Clare - have moved on. There were personal, family & medical issues involved & it was not an easy decison for any of us to make so we hope you understand. We are still the bestest of friends & hope you continue to support us in other avenues moving forward.

Jenny is continuing the business on her own & will be known as the sole 'Stamptini Girl'! Please check out her new blog at for more details!

Clare is focusing on her favorite craft project - making coasters! She is offering classes on how to make the coasters & also sells them as gifts. We wish her the best of luck.

Dunree is focusing on family time & her new role as PTA Volunteer Chairperson at her eldest daughter's school. She is also a Stampin Up Demonstrator if you ever need any product. She is a busy body so we know she'll do well!

A BIG THANKS once again to all of you for your support!!!

This blog will no longer be updated or monitored. Please contact Dunree, Jenny or Clare directly if you have any questions.